CTX (Combating Terrorism Exchange), v.3:4

dc.contributor.authorNaval Postgraduate School (U.S.)
dc.contributor.corporateCombating Terrorism Fellowship Program (CTFP)
dc.description.tableofcontentsNOVEMBER 2013 | From the Editor: Elizabeth Skinner | About the Contributors | Image Credits | Protecting Soft Networks: Time to Counter the Enemy's Logical Strategy: COL Steve Miska, Marine Corps War College, and Roslyn Warren, Georgetown University | The Ideologies of Anti-Technology Violence: Dr. Brian Nussbaum, SUNY Albany | De-Radicalizing Muslim Youth in Western Societies: LTC Rehan Mushtaq, Pakistan Army | The Role of Medical Development in Support of Security: LTC Ramey L. Wilson, USA, MD | The Challenge of Combat Search and Rescue for Colombian National Army Aviation: MAJ Cesar Rolon Villamizar & MAJ Andrés Fernández Osorio, National Army of Colombia | The Future of SOF Education: A Vision for Global Special Forces Education: COL Imre Porkoláb, Hungarian Army | The Haqqani Network: Pursuing Feuds under the Guise of Jihad: MAJ Lars W. Lilleby, Norwegian Army | To Pay or Not to Pay: Criminal Extortion from a Game Theory Perspective: MAJ Michael E. Loconsolo, U.S. Army | Colonel William ("Billy") H. Shaw: Interviewed by Dr. Douglas Borer, Naval Postgraduate School | Kill v. Capture—With a Twist: Dr. Pauline M. Kaurin, Pacific Lutheran University | The Wildest Province: SOE in the Land of the Eagle: CPT Edval Zoto, Albanian Army | The Deceptive American: MAJ Donald K. Reed, U.S. Army | Publicationsen_US
dc.publisherMonterey, California: Naval Postgraduate Schoolen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCTX: Combating Terrorism Exchange
dc.rightsThis publication is a work of the U.S. Government as defined in Title 17, United States Code, Section 101. Copyright protection is not available for this work in the United States.en_US
dc.titleCTX (Combating Terrorism Exchange), v.3:4en_US