Early synthetic prototyping: the use of video after-action reports for harvesting useful feedback in early design

dc.contributor.advisorDarken, Rudolph
dc.contributor.authorProvost, Matthew R.
dc.contributor.departmentComputer Scienceen_US
dc.contributor.secondreaderVogt, Brian
dc.description.abstractEarly Synthetic Prototyping (ESP) is a new concept in which capability and material developers use an online game to crowdsource ideas from online players in order to increase viable synthetic prototypes. In entertainment games, players often create videos of their game play to share with other players to demonstrate how to complete a segment of a game. This thesis explores similar self-recorded videos of ESP game play and determines if they provide useful data to capability and material developers that can influence the early design process, or if the videos affect the ESP process itself. The study shows that user videos affect player behavior as well as increase engagement and entertainment for the players, which serves to maintain a large player population essential to ESP success. The exact reasons for increased engagement and entertainment are unclear and are topics for further investigation. These results are important to ESP developers because if ESP game developers can increase the engagement and fun in playing their games, it will increase participation and willingness to contribute ideas and strategies with other players. The increase in contributions and participation will then lead to an increase in the number of early prototypes that can be analyzed and potentially used.en_US
dc.description.distributionstatementApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
dc.description.serviceLieutenant Colonel, United States Armyen_US
dc.publisherMonterey, California: Naval Postgraduate Schoolen_US
dc.rightsThis publication is a work of the U.S. Government as defined in Title 17, United States Code, Section 101. Copyright protection is not available for this work in the United States.en_US
dc.subject.authorEarly Synthetic Prototypingen_US
dc.subject.authorvideo gamesen_US
dc.subject.authorscience and technologyen_US
dc.subject.authorgame environmenten_US
dc.subject.authoronline game communitiesen_US
dc.subject.authormilitary acquisitionen_US
dc.titleEarly synthetic prototyping: the use of video after-action reports for harvesting useful feedback in early designen_US
etd.thesisdegree.disciplineModeling, Virtual Environments, and Simulation Institute (MOVES)en_US
etd.thesisdegree.grantorNaval Postgraduate Schoolen_US
etd.thesisdegree.nameMaster of Science in Modeling, Virtual Environments and Simulationen_US
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