Series: CIVINS (Civilian Institutions) Theses and Dissertations
Series Type
Degree-Earning Works
Publication Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 392
Publication Proximity operations of an underwater vehicle to a host vessel(Monterey California. Naval Postgraduate School, 1996) Riggle, Jess Eugene; CIVINS (Civilian Institutions); Naval Architecture; Naval EngineeringPublication Use of new industrial coatings for the U.S. Navy waterfront structures(Monterey California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2008-08) Bedard, Matthew.; CIVINS (Civilian Institutions); University of WashingtonThe U.S. Navy has been utilizing epoxy polyamide and coal tar epoxy coatings to protect waterfront structures such as piers and wharfs for many years. However these particular coatings have become undesirable for use as their VOC levels exceed the newly instituted guidelines published by the EPA in 1999. Therefore the Navy has begun the process of researching other potential coatings which meet the current federal standards. Some of these coatings include fusion bonded epoxy coatings moisture cured urethane coatings epoxy aliphatic polyurethane with polypropylene fiber coatings and glass flake resin coatings. Some preliminary testing suggests that fusion bonded epoxy and moisture cured urethane coatings provide adequate corrosion resistant properties in the harsh marine environment. However more standardized testing must be instituted for these potential coating systems in order to ensure the Navy makes the most informed decision in the future.Publication Practical experiments to determine performance characteristics of Shape Memory Alloys(Monterey California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2000-05) Zulick, John Andrew; Beaman, Joseph J.; CIVINS (Civilian Institutions); EngineeringThis report presents the design and operation of an experimental assembly to test and record properties of Shape Memory Alloy wire actuators. While the capabilities and varying properties of Shape Memory Alloys are many, this work focuses on transition temperatures and length changes in response to temperature and loading inputs. A brief background section of Shape Memory Alloys is presented, along with details of testing apparatus construction, experimental design, actual progress of experiments, and their summarized results.Publication Profitability implications of sustainable contracting(Monterey California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2006-08) Underwood, Dude L.; CIVINS (Civilian Institutions)Certain construction companies have adopted green building methods and practices while most of the industry continues to provide traditional construction services in traditional ways. The green building methods include managing waste streams effectively, using environmentally friendly materials, and working with other green companies and groups. The benefits of green construction have been explored as they relate to the environment, society, and even building owners. Several logical benefits have been postulated for green contractors, from better brand name to reduced costs associated with waste and insurance. This research explores the correlation between green construction and the economic success of companies. Through financial data analysis of a study group of green companies in the construction industry, a control group of similar companies without a sustainability focus, and the construction industry as a whole, the connections between business strategy and profit are investigated. Qualitative and subjective data are employed to assist in the interpretation of the quantitative findings, and the entire study is placed into context by the use of a contractor survey which explores the current perceptions of green construction in the industry. The major conclusion of the study is that there is not a notable negative economic impact associated with being a green company in the construction industry.Publication The Doctrine of Double Effect as an Ineffective Tool in War Theory(Monterey California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2014-09) Hoyt, Alison S.; CIVINS (Civilian Institutions)Many proponents of the Doctrine of Double Effect (DDE) assert that its principles are applicable in the area of military operations. One way in which is evidenced is the ever present discussion of the tactical bomber versus the strategic bomber as an example of DDE's application, used by most DDE scholars to illustrate the difference between permissible and impermissible action under DDE's tenents. The goal of this paper is not to agree or disagree with DDE as a moral theory, but to propose that DDE is an unnecessary and ineffective tool in determing the propriety of military actions. The foundation of this argument is the notion that DDE should be thought of as a "second-level" theory that serves only to guide the formulation of "first-level" norms of behavior. After that, DDE is largely a useless resource in determining the permissibility of an agent's action due to its potential applicability in only a handful of very specific, unrealistic circumstances.Publication Historic preservation, history, and the African American : a discussion and framework for change(Monterey California. Naval Postgraduate School, 1992-03-06) Washington, Julius C.; CIVINS (Civilian Institutions); City Planning; NAThis paper assess the level of professional and community-based participation by African Americans in the historic preservation movement at the state level. The research which forms the basis of my argument was collected from preservation offices in eleven southern states, and serves as a partial follow-up to a three year study conducted by the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (NCSHPO). The states chosen for this analysis were Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caroline, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and VirginiaPublication Use of an Asymmetric Propeller for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles(Monterey California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2019-06) Carelli, Robert Beltri; Rubentisch, Eric; Techet, Alexandra; CIVINS (Civilian Institutions)This thesis describes the development and execution of a test program to determine the suitability of an asymmetric propeller for unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV). Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute reevaluated the concept for use on a UUV, but for two different objectives. The first was a possible improvement in propulsive efficiency. By controlling the speed of the propeller through each revolution, the thrust at any given point can be controlled. This allows for a non-uniformly distributed thrust about the longitudinal axis of the UUV which can be used to steer the UUVPublication Machinery monitoring technology design methodology for determining the information and sensors required for reduced manning of ships(Monterey California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2000) Murphy, Brian P.; CIVINS (Civilian Institutions)A method is developed for determining how to implement sensors and data fusion systems for shipboard use in new or backfit warship designs. The underlying goal of proper implementation of new automation systems is to improve the operational readiness of the ship while simultaneously reducing crew size and operating costs. The thesis entails defining the method and then using it to determine the information requirements for the efficient implementation of automation technology into ship systems at multiple levels, with a primary focus at the platform level (where the operator interface resides). This includes categorizing the types of information (operational, casualty, combat, logistic, etc) and developing a schema by which each type of information is further defined and presented as an aid to the human operator. Raw sensor data is not the same as information in this context, rather information is the result of processing and analyzing raw sensor data. Information discriminators include refresh rates, frequency and extent of backup/historical logging, levels of data access, levels of automation control, levels of diagnostic and prognostic aids, and types of displays. A proposed machinery Health Monitoring System (HMS) for Gas Turbine Generators (GTG) for the current and future U.S. Navy Destroyers is examined as a case study to demonstrate the applicability of the implementation method developed in the thesis. Information requirements to support situational awareness for effective and efficient operator performance in a reduced crew environment are identified for the HMS. The required information is based on realistic shipboard scenarios, technical publications and expert interviews relating to the GTGs. Estimates of possible reductions of crew size from implementing the machinery HMS and the resultant costs and benefits of the technology over the life of the ship are analyzed.Publication Implementation of ground source heat pumps in DON facilities - a feasibility study(Monterey California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2000) Carson, John W. III; CIVINS (Civilian Institutions); Civil EngineeringThe Civil Engineering Corps and the Naval Facilities Engineering Command has the distinct honor and challenge to oversee all facilities management functions from design and contract, to construction, to maintenance and repair and finally to demolition and disposal. In order to assist this monumental undertaking, the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) is organized with Engneering Field Divisions (EFD) and Engineering Field Activities (EFA) serving distinct geographical regions of responsibility. As Navy shore facilities continue to age, with average building ages on some stations exceeding 40 to 50 years, maintenance and upkeep costs continue to amass in the midst of military "right sizing" and budget reallocations. As downsizing or "right-sizing" continues, the DON will continue to seek a fair balance between operational/war fighting priorities and facilities maintenance and construction initiatives. Money will likely continue to follow ongoing trends and move from facilities Operation and MAintenance (O&M) budgets to the war fighting initiatives such as ships, weapons, aircraft, and research and development of new "Over the Horizon" weapons to further augment our "From the Sea" war fighting strategy. This will continue to place increased pressure of limited O&M budgets upon facilities managers that are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of all shore support facilities. The ability to do more with less and stretch the ever shrinking facilities O&M budgets will be key to the success of the Civil Engineer Corps in the years ahead. Geothermal technologies have been utilized in the recent years at eleven Navy and Marine Corps installations. The success of these geothermal system implementations merits further detailed review of the system technology and its benefits. This paper will explore the utilization of Ground Source Heat Pumps in military family housing and berthing facilities within the Department of the Navy (DON) and project potential DON wide benefits created by geothermal system implementation.Publication A contractor's introduction to the Federal Acquisition System(Monterey California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2005) Sullivan, Andrew J.; CIVINS (Civilian Institutions); Civil and Environmental EngineeringIn general, the intent of Government contracting is to provide an equal opportunity for anyone to get Federal work. The process of selection is not restricted. This is fair to all, and promotes the free market system. Contracting between public and private entities, especially with the Federal Government, varies significantly from contracting between private parties. Actions that are legitimate in private contracting are not allowed in the public sector. The primary reason for this is the protection of the public good. In public contracting the government is spending the taxpayer's money and there is a responsibility to spend that money wisely, and in ways to benefit the public or nation as a whole. Understanding the general intent of Congress in establishing these policies is important to dealing with Federal acquisition regulations. Without some basic background it is sometimes difficult to understand why certain policies exist. The basic policies provide a context within which various regulations are written. This research paper serves as a starting point for those contractors interested in obtaining government contracts. Although it is not all inclusive, it introduces contractors to the advantages and disadvantages of Government contracting, as well as conveys steps necessary to ready their organizations to work with the Federal Government.