Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Science (GSEAS)
The Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (GSEAS) includes seven departments (Applied Mathematics, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Meteorology, Oceanography, Physics, and Systems Engineering) and two academic groups (Space Systems and Undersea Warfare). Applying best practices and state-of-the art advances in science and engineering, GSEAS is at the forefront of research that addresses Navy and DOD needs, with a mission to increase the technical capability of the Navy and United States military forces.
Website of the organization
disbanded 2022

Publication Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 1049
  • Publication
    Department Summary
    (Monterey, California; Naval Postgraduate School, 2001) Meteorology (MR); Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Science (GSEAS); Meteorology
    The Department of Meteorology was founded in 1946 and throughout its history has had one of the leading meteorology programs in the country. The objective of the curricula is to provide students with a sound understanding of the science of meteorology and to develop the technical expertise to provide and utilize meteorological data and models in support of all aspects of weather-department operations.
  • Publication
    Maritime threat response
    (Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2006-06) Kessler, Andrew; Connett, Brian; Oravec, Joseph; Davis, Jennifer; Shewfelt, Michael; Chiu-Rourman, Jared; Wark, Shaunnah; Ng, Ling Siew; Chua, Cheng Lock; Lee, Kok Long; Lim, Kwang Yong; Ho, Sze Tek; Lim, Seng Chuan; Yeo, Eng Choon; Chew, Heng Hui; Tean, Ee Shen; Chung, Koh Choon; SEA Cohort SEA-9; Huynh, Thomas V.; Systems Engineering Analysis (SEA); Systems Engineering (SE); Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Science (GSEAS); Systems Engineering (SE); SEA Cohort SEA-9; Wayne E. Meyer Institute of Systems Engineerin
    In the twenty-first century, the threat of asymmetric warfare in the form of terrorism is one of the most likely direct threats to the United States homeland. It has been recognized that perhaps the key element in protecting the continental United States from terrorist threats is obtaining intelligence of impending attacks in advance. Enormous amounts of resources are currently allocated to obtaining and parsing such intelligence. However, it remains a difficult problem to deal with such attacks once intelligence is obtained. In this context, the Maritime Threat Response Project has applied Systems Engineering processes to propose different cost-effective System of Systems (SoS) architecture solutions to surface-based terrorist threats emanating from the maritime domain. The project applied a five-year time horizon to provide near-term solutions to the prospective decision makers and take maximum advantage of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions and emphasize new Concepts of Operations (CONOPS) for existing systems. Results provided insight into requirements for interagency interactions in support of Maritime Security and demonstrated the criticality of timely and accurate intelligence in support of counterterror operations.
  • Publication
    A Summary of Research Projects Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. Report for the Period 1 October 1981 to 30 September 1982
    (Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 1982) Meteorology (MR); Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Science (GSEAS)
  • Publication
    Low-Earth-Orbit Maintenance: Reboost vs Thrust-Drag Cancellation
    (1995-07) Ross, I. Michael; Alfriend, Kyle T.; Modeling, Virtual Environments, and Simulation Institute (MOVES); Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE); Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Science (GSEAS); Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    We define the problem of orbit maintenance within an atmosphere as keeping the spacecraft within a specified altitude band about a mean circular orbit.
  • Publication
    Investigation of feature dimension reduction schemes for classification applications
    (Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2001-06) Fargues, Monique P.; Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE); Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Science (GSEAS); Center for Reconnaissance Research
    Extracting relevant features that allow for class discrimination is the first critical step in classification applications. However, this step often leads to high-dimensional feature spaces, which requires large datasets to create viable classification schemes. As a result, there is a strong incentive to reduce the feature space dimension. Two classical types of approaches to reduce feature dimension exist Principal Component Analysis (PCA)-based or discriminant-based approaches. The main difference between the two types lies in the criterion selected; PCA-based schemes seek a projection direction which bests represents the data in a norm sense, while discriminant-based schemes seek a projection that best separates the class data. This study presents a comparison of three discriminant-based feature dimension reduction schemes: the Mean Separator Neural Network (MSNN), the Mahalanobis-based Dimension Reduction scheme (MBDR), and the kernel-based Generalized Discriminant Analysis (GDA) approach. PCA is included for comparison purposes as it is also widely used in classification applications. All four feature dimension reduction schemes are implemented and evaluated by applying the transformed features to a basic minimum distance classifier. Three classification datasets commonly used in statistics for benchmarking purposes are selected to compare the schemes and results discussed Results show the kernel-based generalized discriminant analysis approach to lead to consistently higher classification performances than the other schemes considered in the study for the data investigated.
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    Analyzing VLSI component test results of a GenRad GR125 tester
    (Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 1995-06) Zulaica, Dan; Lee, Chin-Hwa; Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE); Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Science (GSEAS); Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Publication
    Atlantic water on the Chukchi Shelf
    (Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 1976-12) Bourke, Robert H.; Paquette, Robert G.; Oceanography (OC); Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Science (GSEAS); Research and Sponsored Programs Office (RSPO); Oceanography
    An anomalously warm saline layer in the bottom of the shallow Chukchi Sea in August 1975 is believed due to a surge which drove water from the Atlantic Layer of the Arctic Ocean up onto the shelf. Two earlier occurrences of this kind of water in the Chukchi Sea have been identified in historical data.
  • Publication
    System Engineering Theses: A Manuscript Option
    (Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2017-07-31) O’Halloran, Bryan; Systems Engineering (SE); Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Science (GSEAS); Systems Engineering (SE)
    This document describes an approved method for using one’s own publications as the core content of a thesis. This document applies to students pursuing a Master of Science (MS) in Systems Engineering (SE) at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS).
  • Publication
    Distribution and Demographics of Marine Mammals in SOCAL Through Photo-Identification, Genetics, and Satellite Telemetry: A Summary of Surveys Conducted 15 June 2010 - 24 June 2011
    (Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2011) Falcone, Erin A.; Schorr, Gregory S.; Oceanography (OC); Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Science (GSEAS); Research and Sponsored Programs Office (RSPO); Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.); Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (U.S.); Oceanography
    In the first year of a three-year project, from June 2010 to June 2011 small boat-based surveys for cetaceans were conducted in the U. S. Navy's SOCAL training range, particularly in the Southern California Anti-Submarine Warfare Range (SOAR) and the Southern California Offshore Range (SCORE) centered on San Clemente Island in the Southern California Bight. Surveys included species verification tests, photo-identification, satellite tagging, and biopsy sampling. Because of their apparent sensitivity to Mid-Frequency Active Sonar (MFAS) throughout the world, beaked whales--Cuvier's, in particular--and fin whales were the primary target species. During 33 surveys conducted during the study period (including in January and May, times not previously surveyed by small boat in this area), 164 groups of cetaceans were encountered at or near SOAR. To address distribution and habitat use, 20 satellite tags (some with depthreporting capability) were deployed on 6 species. Depth-reporting tags on Cuvier's whales recorded multiple dives > 2000 m and > 2 hours, both deeper and longer than previously reported for this species. Preliminary results of photo-identification data (supplemented by satellite tag data) suggest that Cuvier's and fin whales both may have population sub-units with higher than expected residency in the Southern California Bight. Comparison of movement and dive behavior of tagged whales with concurrent MFAS exercises at SCORE is underway.
  • Publication
    Biology and ecology of encrusting bryozoans in Monterey Harbor
    (Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 1970-10-20) Haderlie, Eugene Clinton; Oceanography (OC); Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Science (GSEAS); Research and Sponsored Programs Office (RSPO); Oceanography
    The encrusting bryozoans Celleporaria brunnea, Cryptosula pallasiana and Tubulipora tuba are the dominant bryozoans and often the dominant fouling organisms in Monterey harbor. By using panels as collecting surfaces, the general biology and ecology of these three species have been investigated. All three settle and grow at depths from the surface down to 25 feet but the optimum depth for settlement and growth is just below the low tide mark. Release of larvae and settlement occurs erratically throughout the year with no species showing a 'season' for settlement. Growth rates have been measured throughout the year for each species. The spreading colonies of Celleporaria brunnea and Cryptosula pallasiana have a definite inhibiting influence on the settlement of barnacle and serpulid larvae, and often cover and smother previously settled barnacles, serpulids, and borers such as Limnoria. Celleporaria colonies were preyed upon by Thysanozoon californicum. a flatworm that closely mimics the color and texture of the bryozoan